Yeah.   So we had our yard sale.  In case you missed it last time, here are our piles of junk downstairs.    And here are the piles of junk outside:


I DID have this yard sale with 2 friends, but 99% of it was mine!  That tent was 20 feet long by 6 feet deep.   We used 12 tables, 5 patio chairs and several stacks of loose boxes.  And I brought a little more out as room was made and stuff was bought!

We made about $350.  I managed to get rid of most of the good stuff and I didn’t bring much back inside.  I brought in the cases of Vaultz boxes that I had from my business (I did sell a few), the lawnmower (Craigslist), the trombone (Craigslist), a stroller (Craigslist), a few clothes (consignment shop), and a painting & the TaeKwonDo gear (kept).

The rest of it was inventoried and packed in the to go to Goodwill.   Well most of it was…I missed some things while I was packing up my stuff.   I’ll have a small bag to go to Goodwill later.


The back of the van.   Full.   About 5 ft by 5 ft by 4 ft high.   But it wasn’t as big a boobie trap as it looked.   Almost nothing fell out when I opened the doors at the goodwill.


The view from the side window of the van.   yeah…it was that high and that is MY crappy van in the background.   This was in my in-laws van (mine needs to be cleaned out).


And the stuff I had to fit on the seat and the floor that didn’t fit in the back.   Phew!

My tips for a yard sale:

  • while people rave about using full sheets of posterboard for signs, they are hard to hang and keep up.
  • don’t use washable markers for signs if it is supposed to rain (ask me how I know!)
  • have adequate change.   It might have been over kill but I had $110 in change ($10’s , $5’s, $1’s and a roll of quarters).   I didn’t have to turn anyone away because I didn’t have change, even first thing in the AM.
  • if it looks HUGE (see pic) or small (think everything IN the tent) people are more likely to stop…not sure why.
  • Thursday was THE day.
  • price everything in increments of a quarter. Much easier to add and make change.

Have you had a yard sale this summer?  How did you do?   Let me know!   I’m nosy like that :).

This post is being linked to Tackle It Tuesday @ 5 minutes for mom, Works for Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family, and Blitz-It Friday at Organized Everyday.

0 comment on Yard Sale – Conclusion & Tips

  1. Carrie
    1 September 2009 at 8:25 AM (15 years ago)

    I am glad to hear yours was a success! We are having one on Saturday. I still have to price everything and it is looming over my head like a bad dream. However I know it will be worth it to get rid of all that STUFF that I don’t need. Plus, it’s town-wide yard sale day here so I think we will get a lot of traffic. At least I am hoping… Thanks for the tips!


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